
When you’re faced with adversity in life, it’s tempting to feel like the world is […]
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Has anyone ever told you that “comparison is the thief of joy”? What exactly does […]
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If you’ve ever been in a really rough spot in life, someone might have offered […]
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Both Friedrich Nietzsche and the ancient Stoics had a concept of the ideal individual, a […]
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When the going gets tough, it’s easy to feel like we’re getting a glimpse of […]
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Interested in watching a movie that focuses on ideas you’ve been kicking around in your […]
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Though it’s only a few pages long, The Dream of Scipio (translated from the Latin […]
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Pretty much everyone has, at some point in their lives, dealt with a situation where […]
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Our current culture could arguably be described as hedonistic-- encouraging people to pursue pleasure and […]
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While there are lots of ancient and modern texts about Stoicism, there isn't often much […]
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At first glance, Stoicism and Islam appear to have very little in common. After all, […]
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The life and teachings of Socrates proved to be a major turning point in the […]
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This website provides the best stoic quotations on the topics of life, death, control, anxiety, and wisdom in general.

Memento Mori.
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